Including the FrontOffset property in DataGroup Explorer reports

 Applies To 
 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Dataset and Content
 Subarea: Database
 Original Author:Steve Cocchi, Bentley Technical Support Group









Is there any way we can add the FrontOffset values from our PAZ doors in DataGroup Explorer?  This property exists when we place or modify doors, but is not in DataGroup Explorer.


Steps to Accomplish

"FrontOffset" is a variable defined in the PAZ file (from PC Studio) and is a parametric property.  While it doesn't have to be present as a DataGroup property in order to work, doing so will allow it to display in DataGroup Explorer. 

1) Using the DataGroup Definition Editor, add FrontOffset as a new property to your door schema (*.xsd file) and Save your changes.


2) Using the DataGroup Catalog Editor, select the applicable door(s) and add the PC Studio variable name to the DataGroup catalog instance's Parametric Name column.  Save your changes.  This will link the two together in a similar fashion as the other delivered DataGroup properties that already include a value in the Parametric Name column.


3) Next, add the FrontOffset property to your DataGroup schedule by dragging it from the Field Chooser in the DataGroup Explorer dialog box.


4) Once this is complete, you can edit the FrontOffset value using the Modify Door tool in AECOsim Building Designer and it will automatically update in the DataGroup Explorer.  Note that there will be a second variable of the same name by following these steps.  However, it will be located in the bottom section of the Place and Modify Door tools and can be safely ignored - the only reason the property is added is so that it displays in the DataGroup Explorer, so it essentially acts as a "placeholder". 



NOTE: In Bentley Architecture you will have to independently modify the value of that duplicate "placeholder" property in the lower section in order to change the results shown in DataGroup Explorer.