Place a custom Compound Cell using the "Place User Defined" tool


 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Area:Datagroup System

Problem Description

Is there a way to place custom Compound Cells with the "Place User Defined" tool?

Steps to Resolve:


If you are not familiar with the DataGroup System subject it is suggested that you take a moment and research the Help menu before applying the workflow below:


- DataGroup System properties can be assigned to any element. To add intelligence to Compound Cells, you can place these cells through the "Place User Defined Defined" tool. This tool is used because it is already set up to include all DataGroup System Properties; whereas, the Place Compound Cell tool does not include all the additional properties needed to add to the cell. The only other tools that use the DataGroup System are Place Door and Place Window.


Here are steps on how to add these Compound Cell *.bxc files to the DataGroup System:


1. Create the Compound Cell using the Compound Cell Manager.


2. Next, decide whether or not to use the existing delivered .xsd and .xml DataGroup System files for the new cells or create new definition files with new properties. This is done through Start > All Programs and selecting the DataGroup Definition Editor within the Building Tools > Datagroup menus. Select the Workspace and Project before DataGroup Definition Editor will open. This step is not needed if you will be using an existing DataGroup Definition file.


3. From within a design file, open the DataGroup Catalog Editor and select "Insert Catalog Type". Rename the new Catalog Type with a desired name.


4. Right click on the new type and select the us_ncs_door.xsd and Paradef.xsd definitions, one at a time. The us_ncs_door.xsd already has the existing door properties defined in it and the Paradef.xsd is needed to be able to use the "Place User Defined Type" toolbox.


5. Click the cube icon "Show Catalog Items" at the top of the DataGroup Catalog Editor and select "Insert Catalog Item" to enter each door name that exists in the Compound Cell Manager with the us_ncs_door.xml as the destination file. Or, you can create a new DataGroup destination file from within the Attach Definition dialog box. You should see all of the properties of the existing doors in the DataGroup System but you will not be able to place them parametrically or change their size since they were create as Compound Cells.


6. After all the new cell names are entered under the new Catalog Type, enter the "Parametric Type" as "bxc" and the actual Compound Cell "Parametric File" name for each Compound Cell.


7. Save the DataGroup Catalog Editor changes after all the cells are entered.


8. Select the "Refresh DataGroup System" tool.


9. Open the "Place User Defined Type" tool for placement and select the "Refresh Library" icon in the upper left and the "Instance Data Type" from the pulldown list.


10. All of the new Compound Cells should now display in the pulldown list and be ready for placement.