Missing Catalog Type Definition errors when loading Space Planner in AECOsim Building Designer Ss6

Applies To
Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
Environment: N\A
Area: Space Planner
Subarea: N\A
Original Author:Steve Cocchi, Bentley Technical Support Group


Problem Description

When I load Space Planner I am getting "Missing Catalog Type Definition" errors relating to my custom Space data based on SpaceEnergyAnalysis, which I also now see when running the DataGroup Validation tool.  Why am I getting these errors and how can I resolve them?

Steps to Resolve

This is to be expected as SpaceEnergyAnalysis has been deprecated in favor of an ASHRAE/CIBse Classification system in SS6 for Space Types definitions, to better align with conceptual Energy Analysis introduced in AECOsim Building Designer Ss6.  See the "Ss6_Dataset_Delta_Guide" PDF file under the C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AECOsimBuildingDesigner V8i Ss6\WorkSpace\BuildingDatasets\Dataset_Name folder for more information.