Creating new electrical symbols in AECOSim Building Designer

Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
Area:Electrical Annotation and Design
Subarea:Symbol Manager

Problem Description

How can I create new Electrical Symbols in AECOsim Building Designer?

Steps to Resolve

  1. First Create the Cell in Microstation, then place the cell in the model. 
    NOTE: It is critical that you use a delivered AECOsim Building Designer seed file so that the resulting symbol will be scaled correctly.
  2. Open the Symbol Manager from the Symbol Task and select a group.
  3. Scroll down in the symbols list on the right to the last symbol entry.
  4. Click on "New" button. A new entry is created and a red "X" is displayed.

         5. Then Click on "Click and Learn"

     6. It will switch back to the 3D model select the cell.
     7. The new Symbol is now inserted.
     8. Enter the name of the new created Electrical Symbol under "Cell:" and click Save.
     9. The new Symbol is now in the Symbol Library.

See Also

In the Help menu search for "How to create new Symbols in Electrical Building Designer".