Reference Presentation and Legacy Data

 Applies To 
 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer V8i
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Drawing Views
 Subarea: Display Styles
 Original Author:Marc Thomas

A recent question asked involved a large set of long established standard details where the presentation seen in ABD SS6 was not what the user wanted. The 'legacy' data referred to could be from earlier V8i versions of MicroStation or Bentley Building applications that pre-date the last few updates to cached visible edge features.

The solution involved two steps, these may be applicable to other situations so are presented here.

1. Modifying The Delivered Display Styles For Standard Top, Front And Left Views.

The presentation seen for these views when used downstream in sheets was controlled by the source 3D model. Changing the display style for each view in the 3D model will allow that display style to propagate to the references. The following sequences of commands will achieve this.

In each 3D model run:

change view custom "<display style name>" all

where "<display style name>" is replaced with the display style that you need, in the case referred to the standard "Forward (Show Hidden Edges)" style was appropriate but does not show up in the list of available styles. To make it available for use in standard views, copy/rename it into a site dgnlib, then tick the 'Usable for Views' box.

The display style chosen in this step will propagate to the sheet models.

2. Charge Reference Presentation for Legacy Files

There is an additional step that may be needed in some cases to enable the reference presentation to be changed when the caching option was originally set as 'legacy'. Please note this is in a situation where the files concerned are sheet files containing only references from separate source 3D files/models. In each file run this sequence of three commands, they will only affect the sheet model (as long there are no references in any 3D models within the file):

reference visibleedges allmodels dynamic

choose all

dimension reassociate

The reference presentation can then be changed. Changing the visible edges method breaks the dimension associations so the second and third commands fix that.
These commands can be run on whole groups of files with the Batch Process Utility.

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

Building Product TechNotes And FAQs

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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