TFFixLegacyPatternCell.exe to Show Hatch in MicroStation

 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Area:Drawing Views


User wants hatch only visible in AECOsim BD to be displayed in pure MicroStation. Save as with options References: "Merge" + "Merge Visible Edges" does not show hatch in MicroStation. How can the hatch be made visible in pure MicroStation?


From a command prompt, type TFFixLegacyPatternCell.exe

Run it, select the dgn-file - file opens and is changed.

You can run this exe on all dgn files in a directory tree (with subdirectories) like this:

tffixlegacypatterncell.exe c:\mydir\*.dgn /s

The /s switch says to look in subdirectories too.

The *.dgn is a wildcard for any dgn file.

 Original Author:Robert DiMauro