How to convert CAD Elements to BIM Objects with AECOsim Building Designer

 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Area:DataGroup System


1 – Open the CAD file with AECOsim Building Designer.

In the Open File dialog window we have to choose a project that is linked to the dataset that we want to use (for example, the Neutral Metric, called Dataset_NM).

We can choose to create a new one from the provided template (BuildingTemplate_NM) or select this one directly.


2 – Verify that we use the correct dataset

Start the "Dataset Explorer" utility from the menu Building Designer --> Family & Parts --> Single Parts

Confirm that the path used to search for family definitions points to the selected Dataset directory:

3 – Select the set of elements to process with the standard selection tool


4 – Adding information of Family and Part

This step adds the correct graphic properties to the elements with the "Apply Part" utility that appears in the "Change Attributes" task list.

Select the Family and Part that we want to assign to the selected elements, applying only the symbology and level corresponding to the Part. OK for items to be updated.

Now the elements already have the graphic information corresponding to the selected Family and Part

5 – Add Data Group information (define user attributes):

With the newly selected elements, click on the "Add Instance Data" utility that appears in the Building Designer Tasks menu, in the Data section..

Select the catalog item in which we want to include the items, fill in the attributes and click to accept.

6 – Verify that the elements have attributes

We start the tool "DataGroup Explorer"

And we check the properties by selecting the category of the elements.

Spanish Origin

Como convertir elementos CAD en objetos BIM con AECOsim Building Designer

 Original Author:Johannes Lerch