Export Cells to RFA

 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Subarea:RFA Content


I have created a parametric cell of a window with Parametric Cell Studio and placed the cell in a window element in ABD.  Now I would like to export it as an RFA file for other users. How can I do this?
I didn't find any information in the Building Help. It seems that ABD can only import RFA files, but not export in RFA format.


You cannot export Cells to RFA. You can only import them using the RFA importer.  Similarly, you cannot export a dgn model to a Revit file.  You can only export the dgn using IFC to keep the intelligence of the elements in it.  I would suggest placing the Cell in a dgn model and then export the model to IFC so that Revit can import the model and create an RFA file from it.