UI - What is the easiest way to find the tools I need in the CONNECT Edition?

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:User Interface

After familiarizing yourself with the new User Interface layout, be sure to use the integrated Search found in the upper right corner of the Ribbon User interface to quickly find any command that exists in the Ribbon UI.

You can also launch commands directly from the search bar.

Finding the location of the actual tool in the Ribbon UI is easy to do and can be selected next time from there instead of in the "Search".

If you click "Show Details" at the bottom of the Search Results, the Search Results will show the detailed tool tip as well. This allows the Search box to search for text in the tool tips, not just the command name.

Note that the Ribbon Search only finds tools that are currently present in the Ribbon.

The Search Ribbon also offers you a fast access to back stage settings. Just type in "Pref". Then "Preferences" are offered. Select them or hit enter and the dialog box "Preferences" opens. Typing in "config" offers dialog "Configuration Variables", etc.