Create a new CONNECT Edition WorkSet

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


CONNECT Edition provides a Template pop-down menu in the Create WorkSet dialog that enables existing WorkSets to be used as the base for new ones. This can be used to select a suitably named organization/WorkSpace specific template WorkSet or if appropriate, perhaps when creating a series of WorkSets for a particular project or client, to allow existing WorkSets to be used as templates.


Once a WorkSpace has been populated with its first WorkSet the Template pop-down menu will list that WorkSet as being available to use as a template for a new WorkSet, as shown here in the Example WorkSpace where all of the installed regional Dataset WorkSets are listed:


For AECOsim Building Designer it is essential that the 'Create Folders Only' box is left unticked. AECOsim Building Designer WorkSets must contain certain resources such as the BB_FloorMaster.dgnlib.

Do not choose Template 'None' as this will create an empty set of folders and an incomplete WorkSet.cfg file.