Create a new CONNECT Edition WorkSet template

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


WorkSets created for OpenBuildings Designer must contain the resource files required for the application to function correctly, BB_FloorMaster.dgnlib for instance. This necessitates some initial work outside the UI to set up the first WorkSet in a WorkSpace. Once this first WorkSet is created further WorkSets can be created from the UI.


Once a new WorkSpace is created, generally within a Custom Configuration on a network, find the example WorkSet for the regional template that is going to be used with the WorkSpace.


  1. The appropriate WorkSet, e.g.: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Building_Examples\Worksets\BuildingTemplate_SE
  2. The matching WorkSet.cfg. e.g.: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Building_Examples\Worksets\BuildingTemplate_SE.cfg

To the WorkSets folder in the new WorkSpace. Rename the folder and the .CFG as appropriate to your organization (ensuring that the new names match!). There is no need to copy the corresponding .DGNWS file, a new one will be created when a new WorkSet is used for the first time.

Once this first WorkSet exists the UI can be used as described in CONNECT Edition - Create a new WorkSet to create further WorkSets.

Multiple Regional Datasets?

For the majority of our users one regional dataset will be in use. If more than one is needed it will probably be best to have a separate WorkSpace for each regional dataset. The critical item is to ensure that the TF_DATASETNAME variable in the WorkSet.cfg contains the correct dataset name.