How to add the ProStructures modify tools to the Structural ribbon

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition Update 7 or later
 Area:User Interface


How can I add the ProStructures modify tools to the Structural ribbon? 

Steps to Accomplish

The ProStructures modify tools still exist, but they have been removed from the interface. If you want to get them back you will need to customize the ribbon bar. Below is the workflow to get ProStructures modify tools such as "Cut Structural Elements" back into the Structural ribbon.

1. Right-click on the ribbon bar and choose the Customize ribbon option.


2. From the Customize Ribbon dialog box set the "Choose components from;" drop-down list to Groups, navigate to Cut Structural Elements, click on the Add button, and hit Apply.


The Cut Structural Elements tools will now display in the ribbon bar's Structural tab. 

See Also

 UI - Ribbon Bar Customization -