How to automatically use a custom fitting when placing duct

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:HVAC Design

Problem Description

How can I automatically use a custom fitting when placing duct?

Steps to Accomplish

Please follow the below steps through which you can change the default fitting to your custom created version while placing the duct.

  1. First, you will have to create your own custom Duct Fitting catalog type in the Catalog Editor.


  1. Next, open the xml file shown below from this location: “C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\Dataset_UK\Data” (in this example Dataset_UK was used).


  1. After opening the XML file, enter the name of your custom duct fitting as shown below (in this case “M-Rectangularelbow-DefaultRectTest”) and save the XML file.


  1. After launching OpenBuildings Designer open the AutoFitting Preferences tool and select “Restore Default Settings” to apply the changes. After doing that you should see that your custom duct fitting is displayed in the list of Elbow Options, then click on the Save button.


  1. Finally, when you place a duct that includes a bend you can see that it is automatically using your custom created fitting.