Deleting shared cells from AECOsim V8i in OpenBuildings Designer

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition

Problem Description

How can I delete shared cells from AECOSim Building Designer V8i in OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition? While attempting to delete them I am getting the error shown in the image below.


Steps to Accomplish

Please follow the below steps through which you can successfully delete AECOsim V8i shared cells in OpenBuildings Designer.

  1. First, select the shared cells from AECOsim V8i and run the key-in “tfrebuild”.


  1. After applying the key-in open the Compress Options tool as shown below and compress the file.


  1. Finally, after compressing the file try to delete the shared cells again and you should see that they are removed from the file without any error.