When using an edit handle to change the size of a DataGroup element an error appears in the Message

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer 
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


Modifying the size of an element by dragging an element handle is a common process. But when doing so sometimes I've found that the element failed to change. Also in the Message Center I see this error message:

Steps to Accomplish 

In a case such as this, first find the Part and Family assigned to the element. Then in the Family/Part Editor to check whether that Part/Family is available.  For example:

If not, you will need to load the XML file that contains that particular Part from its applicable \Part folder. In this example we have shown the location for the SG_Dataset: 
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\Dataset_SG\Part

Then restart OpenBuildings Designer and you should find that the issue has been solved.