What is the difference between Catalog and Symbology?

Product(s):Bentley Facilities Space Planner

Catalogs and symbology are two different things in Bentley Facilities Space Planner. We can create a catalog and assign this catalog to a class. A catalog can have any number of prefilled attributes.

We can create a symbology for a class or for Attribute values. In any case, if we would like to have Symbology for our Asset, then we should always add a Default symbology for that asset or whole asset class. Default symbology will be used if Symbology attribute is not used, but if we input Symbology with a value the same as it is in symbology name, then it will use special symbology and will allow you to place an asset with it.

We can create various symbology's and no catalog entry, and if we will choose different values for symbology attribute then it will allow you to place different symbology's. Catalog entries are helping to choose the right value to get the correct symbology.

Using Furniture as an example: All catalog entries are based on Model attribute. In this attribute are many models with different sizes and each size has its own symbology. So, in order to not enter manually those models, catalog entries are helping to update required fields and get the symbology. We can enter Model value manually and it will place correct symbology even without a catalog.