How to find the OpenBuildings Designer version number if it has already been uninstalled

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


It is sometimes found that you may have an issue with a particular version and due to project requirements you need to install a different version. But later you need the previous version number although it's no longer installed.


This situation can only take place if you cannot find or delete the particular EXE file from where you have installed the application. Here you will need to collect the log files associated with all Bentley applications:

Part 1: Collect logs

1. Open Bentley Log Collector by clicking on the Windows Start menu, type Log Collector, and choose Bentley Log Collector from the search results.

2. Click the Collect button.

3. Select a location, enter a file name for the logs to be collected, and click Save.

4. After a few moments a confirmation pop-up appears - click OK.

Part 2: Finding the correct version:

1. Open the Bentley.Connect.Client.exe.log file in a text editor such as Notepad:

2. Find the words ‘OpenBuilding Designer’. Then find the date and time associated with it and confirm that it's the same date when you were using/installed the previous version of OpenBuildings Designer.