How to display wall layer properties in a schedule

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:DataGroup System


If I place a few walls in a file I can see all of their properties in the Schedules dialog. But if I place a wall assembly that includes those same walls as layers, the wall assembly is displayed in the Schedule as expected but the wall layers all display as "Default". I need to see some type of properties for these walls, at least each wall layer's assigned Part. 


The walls that you see in Catalog Editor aren't used to create a wall assembly - that process is performed using the Family/Part Editor instead. This means that each wall layer is using only the respective Part assignment and its settings.

Therefore, each wall layer displays with the generic "default" designation in the Schedules dialog because it's not a DataGroup Catalog Item in and of itself.

As an alternative, you can use the wall layer's Family & Part assignment as the layer's name through a custom multi-category schedule.

1. In your new schedule, from the Catalog Types tab add the Wall and Wall Layer catalog types:

2. From the Properties tab, add the desired properties but be sure to include the first five highlighted below:

3. In the Sorting/Grouping tab add the following:

This layout will group Wall Assemblies and Wall Layers together, display assigned Part names to indicate Wall Layer data, and visually link the Wall Layers to their respective Wall Assemblies by using the Compound Parent ID value.

Next, create a custom Excel template to accompany the new Schedule so that you can sort the data in a way that displays these groupings. The columns can be shifted around however needed.

Last, link the custom Excel template to your Schedule:

See the video below for how the custom schedule and Excel template work together:

Note: For the grouping to take effect (visually) more than one wall assembly is needed.