How can I reuse print styles from an older MicroStation version?

Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
Version(s):CONNECT Edition
Area: Platform Tools


I would like to batch plot PDFs with Interplot Organizer, using custom print styles I previously created in MicroStation. It was suggested I manually add MS_DGNLIBLIST_PRINTING to my UCF file as shown below but that did not work:

MS_DGNLIBLIST_PRINTING < C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Organization\Dgnlib\ClashDetection\*.dgnlib

I also added a line for OpenBuildings Designer but I still do not see my custom print styles.


The folder shown in the UCF file is used by the configuration variable MS_DGNLIBLIST_CLASH to point to the library used for storing clash detection jobs and reports. While all three delivered locations shown in the image below use a \ClashDetection sub-folder, since the variable uses *.dgnlib the library name itself is irrelevant though it typically relates to its defined purpose, i.e., "ClashDetection.dgnlib".

If you copy that ClashDetection.dgnlib to the delivered \Printing sub-folder under the same workset, then the available print styles from the Print Organizer dialog will now include those from ClashDetection.dgnlib. This is because the configuration variable MS_DGNLIBLIST_PRINTING includes the \Printing sub-folder where that ClashDetection.dgnlib file was copied.

Using configuration variables to point to folders and *.dgnlib file names to define a library's purpose helps to simplify what's located where and why. If the custom print styles happen to be stored in ClashDetection.dgnlib then it will technically work even though the library name doesn't match its intended purpose. So it is suggested you rename it to something like "CustomPrintStyles.dgnlib" or similar to avoid confusion.