Modelling multiple buildings on single site

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Energy Simulator
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Building Modelling


This guide provides a suggested workflow of how to handle a project where multiple separate buildings need to be modelled on a single site.


In general it would be advised to create a WorkSet for each building you wish to model.  Should multiple buildings exist on a single site, you can use a WorkSpace to easily group these models and reduce having to replicate data entry for each model.

The following approach may be beneficial:

1. Upon opening Energy Simulator, create a new WorkSpace for the group of projects - eg as below:

2 . Then, create a new WorkSet to use as a Template project - eg:

3. Select New File to create your Template model:

4. Into that model, you can now put in all data you need for each building - eg - specify the site location / import your floor plans / create your custom materials / etc.

5. Once you have all you need, close the Template model, create a WorkSet for each building and use this Template to begin modelling:

Further guidance on WorkSets / WorkSpaces can be found here: Creating a Project - WorkSpaces and WorkSets explained - OpenBuildings | Bentley Communities

Further guidance on using Templates can be found here: Template Project for Custom Construction Types - OpenBuildings |  Bentley Communities