How to Add Callouts in Plan Drawing

 Product(s):OpenBuildings Designer
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Drawing Views
 Subarea:Generate Callout


You might notice that not all the Plan Drawings you created have Section Markers and the option to Show Callout is not available in the Drawing Model.

This is because Markers are designed to display only when they intersect with the reference Plan Saved View. This guide provides steps on how to generate Section Callouts in all Plan Drawings.


  1. After creating Section drawing using the Place Section Callout out tool, in the Plan Drawing model, open the Saved View dialog and right click on the Saved View name of the Section you created.

    1. In the pop-up menu, click on Generate Callout. Follow the prompt by clicking any part of the reference Plan Saved View. This should now generate a Section Callout in the correct location.

    In the above example, the drawing and sheet models are in the same .dgn file while commonly, the drawing and sheet models are in a separate .dgn file. For the latter, importing Saved Views is required.

    You need to open the Plan Drawing Model, open Saved Views dialog, and Import Saved Views Selecting the container model .dgn or the .dgn where the Section Saved View is created. After importing, follow Step 2 to Generate Callout. You can watch the video below which shows the workflow.