How to make stair annotation permanently display in design and drawing model

 Product:OpenBuildings Designer
 Version:CONNECT Edition
 Area:Architectural Design

Problem Description: 

How to make the “Number Of Treads” or number of steps permanently display in both the 3D design and 2D drawing models?

Steps to Accomplish:

  1. After placing the with “Display Stair Numbers” set to “True”, create the drawing model.
  2. Go back to the Design Model and click the “cutting section" symbol and it will show a rectangular box shape that represents the area and boundaries of your section that will appear in the Drawing Model. Adjust the plungers or "Clip Planes" (blue and green arrows), extending them to show the whole stair element. Note: The green plunger specifically needs to be stretched upwards so that it points down to the stairs.

    Please see the video for a clear demonstration: