Replacing all 2D electrical Symbols with the same geometry but using a different scale

 Applies To 
 Product(s):AECOsim Building Designer
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Electrical Annotation and Design
 Subarea: Symbol Placement and Modification
 Original Author:Robert DiMauro, Bentley Technical Support Group








Problem Description

How can I replace all the 2D symbols in my file with the same symbol, but at a different scale?


The symbols were scaled with the Design File Setup Scale Factor at the wrong size.  Now just changing this setting will not automatically scale the existing symbols in the file.  It will only scale newly placed symbols.

Steps to Resolve

Use the Swap Symbol tool to exchange the smaller symbol for one that you will place in the file to take its place. 

1. Use the Design File Setup Scale Factor setting to set the scale at the appropriate size for the new symbol.

2. Place a new symbol of the type you want at the correct scale in your file to exchange for the old ones.

3. Use the Swap Symbol tool to exchange the old symbols for the new ones at the correct scale.