• The Interface - AECOsim Energy Simulator

    AECOsim Energy Simulator is a new, full featured, graphic interface for building performance simulation.  Featured on its ribbon bar are tabs for entering project information on building simulation, and analysis of project components and systems, environmental conditions, and energy performance.

    The Home Tab: This is where the various aspects of the project with regard to project components are entered.  Project Floors…

  • STOP PRESS!! New PartL/SBEM calculation engine release on 9th December 2011

    "on behalf of DCLG and response to Landmark's introduction of a new verification system for Energy Assessors on the National Register...   ... we will be releasing an updated version of iSBEM/SBEM/EPCgen/BRUKL to be named v4.1.d on 9th December 2011"

    The new calculation modules have been compiled in such a way to be compatible with the existing software with very little change so we should be well on schedule…