Here’s what you need to know about SAP in Hevacomp

As you may have noticed, the SAP calculation is no longer available in the latest version of Hevacomp. While SAP 2005 was available in Hevacomp v25, this is not available in Hevacomp v26 as the standards are no longer applicable.

It was not possible for us to incorporate the updated SAP 2009 and 2012 calculations into Hevacomp as new regulations were enforced which involved passing responsibility for training, and then administrating and uploading user's SAP calculation data, along to software providers such as ourselves. Hence, this service is now only available from accreditation scheme providers, as opposed to software providers.

In fact these changes have also affected the SAP 2005 calculation in Hevacomp v25, the result being that the software can no longer access the online boiler database due to it being relocated - please see info on the FAQ section of the  Building Energy Performance Assessment Support Website:

Resources contained within the Boiler Efficiency Database website have been relocated to the Building Energy Performance Assessment support website.

You can view more information, including details of available SAP providers on BRE's website via the following links.

SAP 2009:

SAP 2012: