Version numbers - Installations and service packs

Bentley Hevacomp V8i (V25) versioning can appear to be a little confusing on the face of it - the following information should help with this.

The initial installation

The initial installation – or point release – is the original basic build. The installer carries a version number of – this is the number of the installer build – and will install, for example – 25.00.40 opening menu and a 25.00.51 Design Database program. As you can see, the version numbers of programs within the install can vary greatly, even though we should still consider them all as  V8i or V25.  

Commercially, it can prove very expensive to produce a new install build whenever there are changes to the software. To this end we provide Service packs/updates that update the point release installation.

Service packs/updates

As with the point release installation, these service packs can carry a number of programs with different versions. One service pack may update the opening menu to 25.01 and the Design Database program to 25.04. To this end, service packs version numbers are sequential and have no baring – except for the identifying 25 at the start of the number - whatsoever on the version numbers of the actual components you are updating. For example, hcomp25000005en_sp.exe would indicate that this is service pack/update number 5 for a version 25 installation. Hcomp25000012en_updt12.exe would indicate service pack/update number 12 for a version 25 installation.

If you install service pack 27 to your software installation, you will not be running V27 of the software. You will be running V8i/V25 with service pack 27 applied. (note that the most current service pack/update is update 29)


As stated above, generating completely new builds for each update to the software can be time consuming and costly to implement. This is why service packs are released rather than having a main installation rebuild. Please ensure you keep your software up to date with the latest service packs when they become available.