Error: Cannot use program as selected room uses glazing that has no solar gain factor values set


I have just had Hevacomp installed on my computer and I am attempting to run my first test calculation with CIBSEGain when I get the following error:

"Cannot use program as selected room uses glazing that has no solar gain factor values set"

I believe I have set up the room correctly, and have added a window and specified it as Glass Type 14. Hence I believe that all required glazing data should be known as I am simply referencing one of the programs built in glazing types. When I check 'glazing data' I can see that all of the required solar gain factor values are already known, for this Glass Type. 

This error seems to occur regardless of which Glass Type I select, or which program I run. 

Could you please advise how I can resolve this error in order to run the calculation?

