Required Windows Permissions (v25)

 Product(s):All Hevacomp Products
 Version(s):V8i (25)


This document refers to Version 25 Bentley Hevacomp V8i only

There are a number of permissions that the user account requires to be able to run the Hevacomp software correctly. Without these permissions, the user may experience these errors:

A lack of permissions can also lead to a "Cannot create Meteonorm Weather file" and a consequent "Error 9 - subscript out of range" error when trying to create weather locations or access weather data.

To remedy these potential issues, the user must be allowed FULL permissions to a number of locations.


The user will need full permissions to the following:

<installation folder>\Heva25\

C:\Hevacomp Projects\

During the setup of the software you will be asked to specify a location where projects are to be stored - this is frequently a mapped share - the user will also need full permissions into here.