Copy Camera Viewpoint Nodes Between Animations

How can I copy nodes between animation timelines? I want to 'tie' the end and beginning of two separate sequences together

  1. Open 2 3D windows

  2. Left click in 1st 3D window to make it active

  3. select Animation that you want to copy camera node from

  4. select and right click on the camera keyframe you want to copy>Snap to Viewpoint

  5. Left click in 2nd 3D window to make it active

  6. Select the Animation that you want to apply the camera node to - any saved camera angle in the 2nd animation will be applied to the 2nd 3D window, leaving the 1st 3D window still set to the camera angle you want to copy

  7. Left click in the 1st 3D window again to make it active

  8. Select and right click on the camera node you want to update>Use Current Viewpoint