Register Application


  • You must have a working development environment that is able to make REST calls to the SYNCHRO platform services.

1. Enable your Application

This section guides you through setting up your application so it is visible to Enterprise Systems SYNCHRO platform services.

Application Registration Page:

1.1 Log in to your Bentley Account

All users accessing the SYNCHRO platform services must have a profile set up.

If you have an existing Bentley account

  1. Enter your email address, click Next.
  2. Enter your password, click Next. The developer portal home page displays.

If you do not have an existing Bentley account

  1. Click the Don’t have an account? Register now link. The Create Account page displays.
  2. Enter the requested information and click Create account.
  3. Verify your email using the code sent to the email you provided.
  4. If you are redirected to the sign in page, sign in with your new credentials.

1.2 Register your application

You must register all applications connecting to and sending data through the SYNCHRO platform. Registration identifies your application to other services and specifies what resources it can access.

There are four application types supported by the SYNCHRO platform service.

  1. Enter the name of your app. There is a 128-character limit for the app name unless you are registering a Service app. Service apps are limited to 60 characters. In all cases, the following characters are not allowed: ,;[]=<>?"{}|+!@#$%^\*`~
  2. Select the appropriate APIs for this app in API Associations, currently only Enterprise is available. The Allowed Scopes field lists the scopes for each API selected.
  3. Select the Application Type that is appropriate for your application.
  4. Enter one or more Redirect URIs. Users are redirected to this page after signing in (Not required for Service App).
  5. (Optional) Enter one or more Post logout redirect URIs. Users are redirected to this page after signing out.
  6. Click Save.

When saving the registration for either a Web app or Service app, the client secret is displayed. Click Copy to copy this information.

IMPORTANT The client secret is displayed once. Make sure you copy it and place it in a secure location. You will need it in a later step.

Once the application has been registered you can find the Client ID, Client email (Service Application), Scopes, add owners and re-generate the Client secret for each application registered at My Apps:

To register another new application for use with SYNCHRO 4D platform you will need to use the direct link: