This exercise details how to select a Pay Item Inspection from your project inspection hierarchy, create an Inspection and execute the form.

Click on Inspections and review the hierarchy to determine which inspection you would like to complete.  Use the previous section to help navigate the Inspections hierarchy and prepare to create the inspection form. 

  1. Within the Inspections Grid select the + New button.

    A new window will open allowing you to select three fields.

  2. Type in the Inspection Name you would like to execute, for example Asphalt.

  3. Select the blue Select button next to the Pay item field to search for all associated inspections associated with the inspection name selected. 
    A popup window will open displaying the hierarchy and the matching search results.

  4. Select the Pay Item you would like to inspect by ticking the accompanying checkbox. 

  5. Next, use the drop down to select the the Form type (for example - Quality).
  6. Continue to select the blue Inspect button next to the Form type field.
    You will be presented with the Inspection Form containing all the relevant inspection questions predefined during the population exercise.

  7. Each Section Header contains predefined text or questions to be answered by the inspector.  To continue with the inspection, drop the section header down by selecting the arrow icon.

  8. Proceed through the list of items and answer each question with the results / answers according to the standards and competency set by the project. 
  9. Optional:  Check the Mark the form as completed without performing an actual inspection if there is no feasible way of completing the inspection due to unforeseeable circumstances, such as - the inspection was required to be executed on a drainpipe that can longer be reached.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Optional: To attach files to the inspection form, select the blue ‘File Upload’ button.
    The upload attachment popup will appear.

  12. Select the Choose File option where you will be directed to your chosen file structure.  Select a file attachment and enter a caption to offer guidance why the file has been selected. 
    Note:  Multiple files can be attached by continuing to select file upload.  
  13. Select the Map Location ‘+’ button to open your project map allowing you to select the inspection execution location.  
  14. Note the pointer stays stationary with the map moving beneath.

  15. Select the blue   to confirm the location, or  to cancel the operation. 

    The image is saved and shown within the form. Add a description for project transparency.
    Note the Latitude and Longitude are displayed under the location:

  16. Click Save then close the form.