iModel Options

Edit iModel Information
Turning Scheduling Service On/Off
Update iModel SYNCHRO 4D Pro Version
Download .sp file
Delete iModel
View Changes and Named Versions

Edit iModel Information

  1. To edit the iModel information select the meatball menu option in the iModel container, then select Edit.

  2. From the Edit an iModel window the iModel Name, Description and Cover can be updated. Once complete click the Update button.

Turning Scheduling Service on/off

  1. To turn off the scheduling service select the meatball menu option in the iModel container, then select Edit.

  2. From the Edit an iModel window un-check the Set up this iModel for scheduling service, then click the Update button.

  3. A Confirm deletion window will open. The schedule will be deleted, and it will deactivate the Control project in 4D Pro. Type deletein the field to confirm deletion, the click the Delete button.

Update iModel SYNCHRO 4D Pro Version

  1. If the iModel was created with a with a previous version of SYNCHRO 4D Pro and you are now using a newer version of SYNCHRO 4D Pro, the iModel will also need to be upgraded. Select the meatball menu option in the iModel container, then select Edit.

  2. From the Edit an iModel window select the SYNCHRO 4D Pro Version dropdown, then select the required version of 4D Pro.

  3. A Confirm Upgrade window will pop up notifying you that you will no longer be able to open the project in older versions of SYNCHRO 4D Pro.

Note: It is recommended to save the project as an .SP file from 4D Pro before upgrading in case you need to restore the old version later.

Download .sp file

  1. If the iModel was created be an .sp file, an up to date .sp file can be downloaded from the iModel container without having to access 4D pro. Select the meatball menu option in the iModel container, then select Download .sp file.

  2. A .sp file of the iModel will be downloaded to your download files.

Delete iModel

If an iModel is no longer needed, the following steps can be followed to delete.

  1. To delete an iModel select the meatball menu option in the iModel container, then select Delete.

  2. A Delete an iModel window will open. Deleting the iModel will remove access for all users and all data will no longer be available. Select Yes to delete the iModel.

View Changes and Named Version

Named Version are the milestones of any infrastructure design project. Ideally named versions are meant to be created when certain milestone of the project is reached and those will need to be reviewed from stakeholders. Those Named Versions can be based on a stage of the project completion or it can be time bound to check the progression of the project. 

  1. To view changes and create a named version select the meatball menu option in the iModel container, then select View Changes and Named versions.

  2. Every change made to an iModel creates an iModel timeline entry. In the iModels Changes History tabyou can see the sequence of all immutable changes, capturing when the engineering data has been changed.

  3. Change information can be found by selecting the Information Panel icon, and thumbnail view will the change properties.

  4. Find the last required change in the timeline, then select the Create Named Version icon.

  5. A Create a Named Version dialog will open. Add a version Name (required) and a version Description (optional), then click Create.

Note: You can see which change is the last included from the timeline as well as what is the name of the previously created Named Version.

  1. After creating the named version, you will be taken to iModel Named Versions tab. If needed the name and description can be edited by selecting the Meatball icon at the end column.