Integration with PowerBI

Do I need a PowerBI license to view the dashboard?
Each user is required to log into PowerBI to be able to access the report inside of SYNCHRO Control.

Can Bentley provide a PowerBI license?
This assumes that the user already has a PowerBI account.

Who can access the dashboard?
Access is controlled through PowerBI. Any SYNCHRO user without access to the dashboard in PowerBI will not be able to see it.

Can I add multiple dashboards per project?
If there are more than one dashboard available on the project, a dropdown will appear at the top of the screen allowing users to select which they want.

Who can add dashboards?
Any user in the project can add a PowerBI dashboard. Other users will see that those dashboards exist but will not be able to access them unless they are granted access inside of PowerBI.

Does Bentley provide a template?
Yes, you can get more information about SYNCHRO 4D Pro Power BI Data Connector file from here
We currently do not provide templates for Forms data from Control.