Basic Controls

The form editor displays the following interface enabling you to create your own custom form. A list of available controls is displayed in the left panel. Drag elements such as text boxes, image boxes, and lines from the Toolbox area onto the canvas.  Configure the form elements by selecting the element and then defining settings in the Properties tab.

Below are some basic components normally used on a form:

Label is a single text line is most commonly used for titles. 

Paragraph is similar to Label but can be used when multiline text is required.

Textbox fields let users enter text in the published form.

Number Box allows users to enter numbers, and are interpreted as numerical information. 

Date Picker lets the user select a date from a calendar.

Date/Time Picker lets the user select a date and time from a calendar and adjustable time scale.

Time Stamp when select activates the current time and date. 

Text Area is similar to the Textbox control but can be used when multiline text is required. 

Dropdown allows users to select one option form a list. 

Multi Select allow users to select multiple options from a list. 

User list and Multi Assign allow user to pick a single role or team member from a list.

Checkboxes are most commonly used to create check lists.

Photo Drop lets the user select a photo and upload it. 

File Upload allows user to select files to be upload to the form. 

Signature will generate a signature based off the user’s name. 

Weather generates a weather report based off the location when setting up the Control project.

Label and Paragraph


Label is a single text line most commonly used for titles. A label contains text which you can attach to another control or leave unattached on the canvass. Paragraph can be used when multiline text is required.

To specify or change the text that a label contains, enter that text in the Display Text field on the Properties tab. You can change the appearance of the label from the Styles tab.

Note: When you first add a label to the canvass, the label is blank (no display text is defined). A blank label displays the text "[Label]" to indicate that it has no display text. A blank label displays as an empty space or spacing between controls in the completed form. Using a blank label can be a good way to modify the layout and appearance of forms.

Textbox and Text Area


Textbox controls and Text Area controls are both fields that let the user enter text in the published form. The information in the textbox control only allows one-line text. Information in the text area control can have multiple text lines. Edit the appearance using options from the Styles tab.

Note: When a user enters numbers in a textbox or text area control, this information is interpreted as text and not as numbers. Use the Number box control instead if you need numerical information to be interpreted as numbers.

Properties for Textbox and Text Area include:


Numberbox control is a field that lets the user enter numbers in the published form, where the numbers are interpreted as numerical information. Users cannot enter information other than numbers in the numberbox.

Properties for the Number Box include:

Date Picker, Date/Time Picker


Date Picker and Date/Time Picker lets the user select a date and/or time from a calendar and adjustable time scale that appears when the user selects the date picker in the published form.

Properties for the Date Picker and Date/Time Picker include:

Time Stamp

Time Stamp lets the user to activate the current time and date by clicking the clock  icon on the control in the published Form.

Properties for the Time Stamp include:

Dropdown and Multi Select


Dropdown allows users to select from a list of specified options. Users can select one option from the dropdown control. Multi Select allow users to select multiple options from a list.

To specify options from the Properties tab, click the Edit  icon on the right side of the Items List field. Once the items List dialog box opens, you can add an Item to the Items List by clicking Add Item. Type the name of the Item in the Item Name field.

To add a list of items in CSV format click Import From CSV. Next, choose the required CSV file, then click Open. You can delete an item from the Items List by clicking the Delete   icon. You can sort the items in ascending or descending alphabetical order by clicking Sort by name. When you have finished adding items to the Items List, click Save

Properties for the Dropdown include:

User list and Multi Assign


User List and Multi Assign supply a list of Users and Roles that have been assigned to the SYNCHRO Project the form will be used on.

Properties for the Dropdown include:


Checkboxes are most commonly used to create check lists. They can be checked on or off by the user in the published form.

Properties for the Checkbox include:

Photo Drop and File Upload


Photo drop adds a square button on the form that lets the user select a photo and upload it. On mobile devices the camera may be used to take photos.

File Upload adds a button on the form that lets the user select files to upload.

Note: There is no binding field needed so multiple files can be uploaded simultaneously using this Control.

Note: Photo drop control needs a binding field, so one Photo drop can upload only one Photo.

Properties for the File Upload include:


Signature when selected will automatically generate a signature based off the user’s name.

Note: There is no way to adjust the signature. This ensures only the logged in users’ signature will be used. No user can sign off for another user.

Properties for the Signature include:


Weather generates a weather report based off the location when setting up the Control project.

Properties for the Weather include: