Mstn iTwin Workflows - Activating Models / Checking Components Out?

Coffee Corner: Plant Design - Using iTwin reference with PlantSight: Very promising vid on the interaction between dgn and itwins using PlantSight.

Some questions:

1. The second half of the presentation showed how a vanilla dgn can be added to an imodel and changes synched to the imodel. It also showed how the imodels component imodels can be attached as Ref files, and appear in the Ref dialog. So, the question is whether these dgns can be Activated for editing? Presumably since the paths to the dgns are saved in the imodel this should not be a problem?

I suppose you would get a warning if you are activating a ORD model when you do not have ORD loaded, but vanilla dgns should be OK?

1.1. Or would you activate the imodel and make changes to the dgn schema there, and then synch the changes back to over the Connector thingy?  I guess this would be like a Mstn DWG imodel mode?

1.2. Or would you get the activated dgn with Design History activated and the changes merged later using imodel Synchronizer? At the moment, IFC files can be referenced but not activated. The IFC file has to be converted to dgn first. But if the the IFC file has been converted to imodel, the IFC Connector could also generate a dgn and imodelHub could track and sych the changes...? 

This would be especially useful if the Imodel Synchronizer could act as a 'super batch converter' tool that can automate chores like generating 'twinned' files (in different digital formats). ISM and imodel Transformer come to mind here. I can see a lot of rvt models being a lot easier to use if they can be broken down by floors and drawing type (plans, sections etc) in the Imodel tree. Ditto with IFC using spatial containment info. 

2. Checking out individual components in the imodel. This granular editing capability previously provided by OP ModelServer seems to be rebooted as part of PlantSight. This allows users to check out individual components. Presumably, this is facilitated by the imodelHub which tracks changes at the component level? Hopefully, this is not a OpenPlant / PlantSight-only thing, and can be leveraged by vanilla Mstn and its verticals?

To date, iTwins are seen as a bit of a peripheral venture that does not really directly benefit Mstn users. Sure, clash detection, issue resolution service, validation, componentcenter all help but they are still not at the heart of how Mstn is used... like Ref attachments are. This can really change if the ITwins Ref attach tool can enhance the way Ref files work. Connect (Federation) Services?

  • It would be interesting to see how this OpenPlant / PlantSight functionality could be integrated in to the upcoming FactorySight?

    Combo Facilities Planner / FactorySight? Facilities Planner has some advanced data-centric roots that should click with the way a lot of OP's data manager functionality is now moving to PlantSight. ProjectWise was never aimed that this kind of thing, being more of a CDE for CAD files first.

    Not sure how WaterSight works, but I suspect there will be similar CAD v. database-type federation and management requirements.