Creating an iModel independently

iTwin.js is open-source, that is awesome!  However, it seems that the process for creating an iModel is not.  Is this true?

I am trying to create an iModel on my own (i.e., without the iTwin platform & tools), is this possible?

  • Here is an open discussion on the matter with some discussion on the future of the core libraries used by iTwin.js:

    Here is a snippet:

    You can create, query, visualize, and analyze iModels (among many other things) using only the free and open source iTwin.js library, without any paid licenses or subscriptions. You can use any modeling software to create your BIM data, and use the free iTwin Synchronizer tool to convert to an iModel. That will create a static snapshot iModel. If you re-run the synchronizer, it will create a new snapshot iModel.

    However, if you wish to track changes with changesets stored in the cloud, you do need to have a subscription for Bentley's iTwin service (and users will each need a login, etc.) Think of it as GitHub for iModels. There are many other services available with an iTwin subscription (issue tracking, web visualization/review, clash detection, design insights, etc.) As explained here that's our commercial motivation for creating the library.

    I encourage to read the entire thread for more details.

    This still involves using libraries and tools delivered as part of the iTwin Platform.  An iModel is just a SQLite file so it is technically possible to query and edit without any of our libraries, but it would not be a great experience and there is little use because our libraries are open source.