Transfer the ownership

The connection creator becomes its owner. All scheduled synchronizations are done on their behalf and with their access rights.

The ownership rights could be transferred to or taken by any team member who at least once interacted with that iModel and has iModel Manage permisssion. Once the new owner is set, we recommend that you go to that connection in the portal and start it manually to renew the user token. If that team member has not visited the Synchronization portal in the last 30 days, the token would be expired or unknown, so all scheduled synchronizations will fail.
Read the "Token expiration" paragraph to learn more.

NOTE: The owner can not be changed for synchronization in progress.

Email notifications will be sent to the new owner, or original owner if someone took ownership.

Token expiration

All scheduled synchronizations are running on behalf of the connection owner. Such a user access token is valid for 30 days. In the last remaining 10 days, the token is automatically refreshed when the owner visits iTwin Synchronization Portal.

Suppose you will not visit the iTwin Synchronization Portal. In that case, all your owned scheduled connections will start failing due to user authentication issues.
Email notifications:
  • The owner will receive an email notification when the token expired.
Hourglass flowing sand Improvement coming up: email notification before the token expires.