Geospatial Connector ArcGIS OAuth2 support

The Geospatial Connector program now supports the ArcGIS OAuth2 Authentication. The "Geologin.exe" program is available only on the desktop application as it is running locally on the desktop.
In order to be able to synchronize your layers stored in an ArcGIS Feature Service which is secured with OAuth2 authentication, the following steps must be followed. 

Step 1

Create a new Geologin Application in the ArcGIS Developer site and copy the Client ID to the clipboard.

This step is mandatory. Registering the GeoLogin application in ArcGIS allows to authenticate ArcGIS users and access user content on behalf of authenticated users

Step 2

Paste the Client ID in the GeoLogin.config.json file located in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\imodelbridges\GeoBridge

Save the file.

More information about ArcGIS OAuth2 can be found here:

Step 3

Launch a Windows command prompt and go to the following location and type Geologin.exe

Step 4

A new web browser is launched, showing the ESRI Login page. 

Type in your ArcGIS credentials and click Sign In.

Step 5

Once the login is a success, a new web page is launched and displays the following message:

Step 6

You are now authorized to synchronize your ArcGIS Feature Service layers that are stored in your ArcGIS Server.

In this case, a .geodb file is used to define the URL pointing to your ArcGIS Feature Service and filter the features to be synchronized, if required. 

More information on the synchronizing ArcGIS Feature Service layers can be found here

Step 7

Run the iTwin Synchronizer client application and select the .geodb file that contains the URL that points to the ArcGIS Feature Service.

The Geologin program should be run each time the iTwin Synchronizer is re-opened and a .geodb file that contains ArcGIS FeatureServer URL that requires authentication is processed. 
