Publishing ProStructures data

ProStructures has a specialized connector that synchronizes the ProStructures properties along with graphics into the iTwin. Synchronization is supported for both desktop and web interfaces in a consistent way as the other connectors work. 

Keeping ProStructures Content in a Separate Dgn File

The ProStructures product is embedded into OpenPlant Modeler and OpenBridge Modeler and to modify the structures the from within these products a ProStructures license will be invoked.

The mixing of ProStructures content with content of the parent product in the same dgn will cause problems during data publishing to an iTwin. Only one connector can be linked to one dgn. So, either ProStructures or the parent product connector can take the owner ship of processing one specific dgn. The connector that will process the dgn will publish the domain properties it is handling, but the properties of the other connector domain will be skipped.

To avoid this issue the right way is to use the reference functionality and keep the structural data into a separate dgn and the parent product components into a separate dgn.

Selecting the Appropriate Connector

When synchronizing from the desktop, there is logic in place to figure out the correct connector for synchronization by looking into the meta data of the dgn and it is able to select the ProStructures connector for the dgn files with ProStructrure components even if these components are placed using Open Bridge Modeler or OpenPlant Modeler.

However, when creating a connection on the web this decision needs to be made explicitly by the user. The image below outlines a method to configure files so the connector can process them correctly. It is just a concept and you can modify based on your requirements to cater for deep nesting cases. This strategy can be used for desktop as well and will help desktop users to move to the web based workflows for the future.