Automatically update : function text form Parent device to Children device

Dear Sir!

Please help me!

I want function text of Parent device : auto update to children device when I insert its children symbol! 

In this case : I want text " 86"  at K.18.F09 ( parent device), I want "86" automatically appear at children symbol which is contact : NO

Please help me!

  • Hello Huong, I have moved your question to the elcoCAD | Promis.e Forum.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

  • Hello Huong. First you'll need to place the FunctionText attribute on the child symbol if it is not already present. You can do this "on the fly" for a symbol already inserted on a page by right-clicking the symbol, selecting Symbol Text, clicking Add Attribute on the resulting dialog, then selecting the FunctionText attribute. But if you always want to show function text when this child symbol is used, you would modify the symbol using Create Symbol and add the attribute to it there. Don't forget to update the symbol definition in existing projects using Update Symbol.

    Also ensure that the check box for Shared Value Within SubID in the row for Function Text is set in Options > System Options > Symbol Text Sharing. You would also want Share Value Over SubID's set if you want to share the attribute value with schematic symbols that have the same device ID but are not in the family, for example: contacts in adder blocks.