BRCM Version - DWG Reference Made From Autodesk Advance Steel 2016 Not Showing

I've attached a dwg file in BRCM and it looks like this:

Instead of this (with Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2018):

Here are the Bentley programs installed on the workstation:

I've already tried to change the variable "MS_REALDWG_VERSION" from 2014 to 2016 but nothing changed.

Parents Reply
  • Patrick, based on your Message Center, I think it's pretty clear that the problem is that necessary object enablers are not present to display the custom entities, and there are no proxy graphics present to display instead. The only BRCM variable/setting I know of  related to this is the one that sets which RealDWG version to use, and you've already tried that.

    It also seems the 64-bit Autodesk Advance Steel object enabler is not recognized by 32-bit BRCM. Maybe 64-bit BRCM CONNECT Edition will be able to use the object enabler and not have this display problem. BRCM CONNECT Edition is expected to be delivered this quarter.

    In the meantime, you might need to have the source DWG files saved with proxy graphics enabled while in the Autodesk product and use the resulting DWG in BRCM. I don't know anything about that, so you may need to look it up or consult AutoDesk resources.

    I hope this helps.

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