Exception thrown when opening a page, transaction log is full

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Database Platform Support

Error or Warning Message

One or more of the error messages below are displayed when opening a project page. The error message(s) occurs for all users connected to a particular project database. It may occur when opening a page or possibly when [[Project Manager]] opens or otherwise shortly after startup.

Internal Error
Error Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
TargetSite: System.Object _InvokeMethodFast(System.Object, System.Object[], System.SignatureStruct ByRef, System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, System.RuntimeMethodHandle)
DeclaringType: System.RuntimeMethodHandle
Attributes: private
MemberType: Method

Internal Error
Error Message: The transaction log for database 'Promise' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_resuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
TargetSite: Boolean CheckConn(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException)
DeclaringType: ECT.ECAD.DAL.SqlServerProject
Attributes: private
MemberType: Method


In past cases this error has indicated that the SQL transaction log for the project database had reached its maximum file size or there was no more disk space to allow the transaction log to grow. If this is the cause, the transaction log needs to be truncated. Contact the database administrator.

Steps to Resolve

One possible solution is to backup the database. If the "truncate log on checkpoint" option is enabled, backing up the database using SQL Server Management Studio or other means should truncate the transaction log. The "truncate log on checkpoint" option is on by default if the recovery model is set to "Simple" for the database.

See also https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175495.aspx
"Note: The transaction logs are very important to maintain the transactional integrity of the database. Therefore, you must not delete the transaction log files even after you make a backup of your database and the transaction logs."

 Original Author:Matt_P

P/S: 38288, 500000064956