Adding new graphics style for raceway 2D extraction

 Product(s):Bentley Raceway and Cable Management
 Version(s): -
 Area:Drawing generation
 Subarea:2D Extraction


The 2D Extraction function enables us to extract 3D raceway parts to 2D. When a 2D extraction is created, by default, all the raceway components are on E-RACEWAY_2D level. The Raceway parts of different type are displayed by similar graphics.

In the above image a Generic Cable Tray of 12” width and Cooper Cable Ladder Series 1 Steel of 12” width are routed. Both the 2D extractions have similar graphics so, it is not possible to differentiate between different raceway types just by looking at their 2D extraction. The following procedure elaborates on how different styled graphics can be applied for different types of raceway (Cable Tray, Cable Ladder, Cable Basket….)

A new level will be created for Cooper Cable Ladder Series 1 Steel and hatch property will be added to it. This will result in different graphics of 2D extraction for the Cooper Cable Ladder Series 1 Steel as compared to rest of the raceway.

Steps to Accomplish

Create new level

1. From BRCM Setup, open Options

2. In CAD Standards, go to Levels 

3. Add a new level with Description ‘Cooper Cable Ladder’ and Name ‘E-COOPER’, then click on Apply

Create a new Level Assignment overwrite

1. In the 2D Extraction options for Level Assignment, 'Add' a new overwrite.

2. Name the overwrite as ‘Cooper Overwrite’

3. Select the level as E-COOPER 

4.  Select the Raceway System as ‘Cable Ladder’ and Catalog as ‘Cooper Cable Ladder Series 1 Steel’

5. Apply the changes 

Adding hatch property to the overwrite

1.  Open EXTRACTION_Raceway.xml file from


Note: The EXTRACTION_Raceway.xml is typically found in the above location for Imperial Dataset.The metric counterpart can be found at:


2.  Copy the highlighted portion, which contains information regarding the hatch style

3. Paste the copied contents in the same xml file for the newly created Cooper Overwrite. Make sure to set the display value = “true”

Generating a 2D Extraction

Generate a 2D extraction fro a drawing having Cooper Cable Ladder Series 1 Steel and any other raceway type. The 2D extraction will have different graphics for the Cooper Cable Ladder Series 1 Steel and for the other Raceway


 Original Author:Sarvesh Kulkarni