[BM V8i SS4 XFM] Refresh TextBox with SQL query


I have not been able to find solution for this problem (very simplified from a real situation ;-)

There are two text boxes:

  • Editable "ID", that will be stored with created element (in DB in mslinked record, but it's not important).
  • Read-only "Info", not stored. Probably should be implemented as Operation Property, because will be not stored with the element, but I think it has no impact to the discussed issue.

Target (user story):

  • A user will enter number into ID text box. It should trigger refres event, so Info text box will display information from SQL Server relevant to entered ID.


  • I was not able to find a way how to set watcher and Info text box it displays result of SQL query. The query is someting like SELECT name FROM list WHERE nameid = [CreatedElement:ID].
  • The text box correctly dispays SQL results when defined as init value.
  • I defined watched SynchItem at ID text box with Info as target, but the Info does not refresh. There is also no SQL query option in watcher "Set Value" setting, so it cannot ve set there.

Did I miss anything or it's not possible?

To provide complete information: An overall idea is that displayed information will work as evaluation that entered ID is correct. Because there can be literally thousands of the IDs, it has to be implemented as freely entered text. Of course another more elegant way would be to write own dialog in VBA or MDL, but we try to don't use coding at this project as much as possible.

With regards,
