Bentley Map software for enterprise license holder?

Good afternoon Bentley Community members, 

I work in the Desktop Support Division for the US Army and our Engineering Department just had the latest Microstation V8i installed for all users on their new computer systems. The main engineers on the team here were asking what happened to the Bentley Maps program that was on their older workstations. This apparently is not something that comes in the standard Microstation install and I am hitting a wall trying to find the Bentley Maps software download link.

Customer service and technical support were of no help and they pointed me here to the communities to ask about obtaining the software. Being that we hold an Enterprise license I figured the manufacturer would be a little more prone to assisting me in my search.

I would really appreciate any input or suggestions regarding this matter. Thank you everyone for your time.


  • Hi. You are correct that Bentley Map does not come with the Microstation installation. One of the Bentley Map versions can indeed be installed on top of Microstation V8i. You should find it on the fulfillment center, at the same place you have found Microstation for download. Note that the fulfillment center defaults to filtering available applications to only show CONNECT Edition versions. You will need to remove that filter to find V8i applications. Hope this helps.


  • Hi. You are correct that Bentley Map does not come with the Microstation installation. One of the Bentley Map versions can indeed be installed on top of Microstation V8i. You should find it on the fulfillment center, at the same place you have found Microstation for download. Note that the fulfillment center defaults to filtering available applications to only show CONNECT Edition versions. You will need to remove that filter to find V8i applications. Hope this helps.


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