Command manager dialog opencities map connect

The features display in the ribbon (map) as a drop down.

If the command manager dialog is opened and docked it does not stay open/ docked once the program is closed and opened again. We have used save settings &  save settings on exit (preferences).

  • Hi Mariette.

    As you said, since the ribbon as a feature drop-down, we should not need Command Manager anymore. Do you want to use both Ribbon and Command Manager dialog? Please, give me some details. I will report to the team.

    On my side, I reproduce the opposite behavior. Some users have reported that since we have Ribbon drop-down, we not need Command Manager anymore, but it still display when we open the file. Even by doing Save Settings. This unwanted behavior has been reported to the OpenCites Map team.

    Save Settings is the right way to preserve changes to DGN file settings and the view configuration. As users, we all expect it will keep Command Manager as it was (Open/Close, Docked/Undocked) on save setting when we closed the design file.

    More information:
    To open Command Manager, you can do it by selecting the dialog launcher on the bottom right of Features group in the ribbon.
    Or by Key-in: activate readonlymethod MainMenu2|Open .

    I am not sure that helps, but we can also delete some cache files related to preferences. The default folder path is C:\Users\User.Name\AppData\Local\Bentley\OpenCitiesMap\10.0.0\prefs.

    Again, we both see opposite behavior. So, I will need more details about steps, used version, etc., to help me to report the exact behavior to the team. That will help us to narrow down the issue.

    Thank you for feedback. That is very appreciate.

    Sebastien Lefrancois

    This is a test

  • Hi Sebastian, thank you for the reply.

    Unfortunately we have longer feature descriptions which need to display. We also have the place and promote in the description. It is easier to view it once the dialog is docked.

    In Opencities Map Connect (Update 4 version we select the dialog launcher on the bottom right of Features group in the ribbon.

    The dialog is then docked, say to the right of the view window.

    If I close the program and open it again it only displays in the ribbon.

    (In bentley map V8i select series 3 (our previous/ current version) we could set the display to combo or tree without any problems.)

    I have deleted the personal.docking, personal_dlgprefs & personal_prefs.xml. Followed the docking steps again, saved settings and then closed and opened opencities. Unfortunately the command manager dialog does not stay docked, it does retain the resized settings.

    The CommandManagerTree description is found in the personal-dlgprefs.xml but not in the personal.docking.xml. There is no reference to the command manager. 

    Please let me know if you require any other information.


    Mariette Ter Poorten

  • In addition to Sebastien's comment, I recommend that you restore Map CONNECT Edition to it's factory settings.  This is done by adding -restoredefaults to the command line as per the following:

  • You can use the variable MS_GEOINITCMD to open the Command Manager on starting OpenCities Map, with:
    MS_GEOINITCMD = activate readonlymethod MainMenu2|Open

  • Adding the following to the cfg file also words

    #   Command Manager configuration.


