AccuDraw Settings and Terrasolid application


I have a problem with AccuDraw, it looks like i don't understand fully how it works.

I am working with digitalization on the point cloud. To read the point cloud I am using TerraScan software from Terrasolid.

I use Draw Vertical Section tool in TerraScan to define new drawing plane (narrow section/profile of the pointcloud).

All objects which i draw in the section view gets wrong position in the top view.

I am not sure if anyone here knows if the issue is related to TerraScan or AccuDraw.

I would like to know how to disable AccuDraw.  Disabling AccuDraw would help me to identify if the error comes from Terrasolid or Bentley.

Would be nice to know how to disable AccuDraw without using function keys or keyboard since I dont know if my button assignment is correct.

In addition I would like to know where can I find all Key-in commands related to AccuDraw so I could do some modifications in Keyboard shortcuts and function keys.

Best regards
