[BM SS10 ] Save As XFM 07 cannot clip

In SS4 I could Save As using the option Convert XFM 09 -> 07. After that it was possible to clip the information using fence clip.

In SS10 this does not work (for me).

I've attached two files, one having 09 linkages and one with 07 links. Neither is possible to clip.

Also, if I save the 09 file using Remove XFM Bentley Map specific data some shape turns into Polygon Collection that cannot be clipped either. Trying to drop these elements (Application turned on) will crash MicroStation.

I'm using BM for MicroStation.




Parents Reply
  • Just a quick update the "export through VBA" part of your comment:

    For MapManager export to dgn elements, there is C-API below.  But there is not a VB API for this.


    FunctionPublished StatusInt xfmMapLayer_exportMapModelFeaturesToStandardElements


    XfmMapLayerP  mapLayer,

    WChar*      fileName,

    WChar*      modelName,

    int           displayPriority,

    double        scaleFactor



    The keyin: map manager mapmodel export

    …could be used, but that opens a modal dialog requiring input from the user.

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