Is this a bug on Bentley Geospatial administrator on Date and Dateticks for database?

Hi Jerry and Bentley experts

I have setup my features in Bentley Map administrator with Dateticks as one of the properties using the standard workflow. Using Oracle 10g as my database and 11g as client with no problem communicating them. Normally, afler adding SQL statement Bentley Geospatial administrator creates standard SQL statement as syntax in the insert, update, query etc, and pressumed that the statements are correct and usable after completing the procedure in every feature creaton. Unfortunately with no success during the opreration in BMap.

On Date:

After adding SQL statement Bentley Geospatial administrator created this syntax on values [to_date('#[P_INSTALLED|NULL]#', 'mm/dd/yyyy')] - error (ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected) because the # is not recognized by Oracle, taking out the # works fine - this should not supposed to be the case.

On Dateticks:

After adding SQL statement Bentley Geopatial administrator created this syntax on values [to_date('[XFM.EncloseInChar(XFM.DateFromTicks([P_REPLACED|0],"MM/dd/yyyy",true),"'")]', 'mm/dd/yyyy')]) the resultant of this syntax generates a double quotation on values (" ") of which Oracle don't understand and for me there has no workaround. - (Error ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis)

Date and Datetick on Dgn resident has no problem.

I am using Bentley Map select series1

If you already incounter  the same problem like this or you already have a solution to this, would you please help me?
