HS small parameters.

Dear all,

(HS small) is a modification of the hardening soil model that accounts for the increased stiffness of soils at small strains. At low strain levels, most soils exhibit a higher stiffness than at engineering strain levels, and this stiffness varies non-linearly with strain. There are additional two additional material parameters, i.e. G0ref and γ0.7. G0ref is the small-strain shear modulus and γ0.7 is the strain level at which the shear modulus has reduced to about 70% of the small-strain shear modulus. In the absence of laboratory and field tests, some correlations are available in the literature for sand soils using relative density (Brinkgreve et al. (2010)).



  • The Gmax value obtained from geophysics tests as ρVs2, is it equal to Goref or will it be reduced by a value of 0.7~0.8 Gmax  (70-80% of Gmax) i.e for both sand and clay soils?
  • Is there a correlation of γ0.7 for clay soils?
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